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Jaycee Park - Port Dalhousie, ST. CATHARINES (50+ Photos)

Jaycee park is one of St.Catharine’s largest parks located in Port Dalhousie, with about 8 hectares of landscapes consisting of many different flowers, trees and lush green grass.

It’s one of many parks in the St. Catharines region within the Niagara Area, which allows you to escape the city even though you’re still IN the city.

SHAREABLE Tip #12 – Cleaning Tips For Your Laundry Machine

It’s Spring time and everything gets cleaned – except the washing machine! Everyone uses their washing machine but how often do we clean it? Sure you can leave the door open to air it out after each use but if there are kids around, you might want to find another alternative.

I too was searching for a better way to clean my washing machine and came across these two tips.

Cleaning Tips For Your Laundry Machine

To get rid of unpleasant odours in your washing machine, give it a good clean once a month.
To get rid of detergent residue, run empty washer on normal load at the hottest cycle, with two cups of bleach in the detergent compartment. Next, run on the hottest cycle with two cups of white vinegar in the detergent compartment.
In between times, try adding a little baking soda to your wash. This will not only help to eliminate stubborn odours from your washing, it will give your machine a freshness boost, too
An alternative eco-friendly method:
Add a baking soda mixture of 1/4 cup baking soda and 1/4 cup water to the detergent compartment of your machine and pour 2 cups of vinegar into the drum. Set your washer to normal load at the hottest water setting.
Close the door and start the machine, letting it do all the hard work for you. The baking soda and vinegar naturally break up mineral deposits and any mold growth while cleaning and refreshing your washing machine.

Resources: popsugar.com/smart-living | huffingtonpost

SHAREABLE TIPS are pinnable images I create of random tips I come across daily. 
So go ahead. Share it!

Making life easier, one shareable tip at a time.

YAY! No More WAITING IN LINE at the M.O.T. To Renew Your Licence Plate Sticker

Finally, the M.O.T. is keeping up with the times. No more waiting in line to renew our licence plate sticker because now it can all be done online! If there’s one thing I hate more than anything is waiting in line.

You have until midnight of the expiry date to renew your sticker online otherwise you will have to go into an actual ServiceOntario centre – and wait in line. Ick!

It’s as easy as 1-2-3 and takes about 10 mins or less if you have all the below information on hand and ready to enter:

SHAREABLE Tip #11 - 3 Helpful GARDENING Tips

In this ‘Garden’ edition of Shareable Tips, these 3 helpful tips may be obvious to you gardening experts but to others just starting out and experimenting with gardening for the first time, these tips will come in handy.

I’ve been gardening for a few years now and I never knew about the second tip!

3 Helpful Gardening Tips

LIGHT –  Know your type of light before buying flowers and shrubs. The key to successful gardening is figuring out whether your garden light is full sun, partial sun or shade and selecting plants that best fit that area.

WATER – A number one quick tip is to water your plants thoroughly BEFORE planting. Giving roots a good soak will help maintain moisture longer and ensure a good start for faster rooting.

MULCH – Mulching will reduce the need for weeding and watering. Plus adding mulch to the garden will help keep the soil and roots cool and moist when the hot summer sun beats down.

– Frank Ferragine, Best Selling Author on Three Books on Gardening, as well as the Gardening Specialist for TV's CityLine

SHAREABLE TIPS are pinnable images I create of random tips I come across daily. 
So go ahead. Share it!

Making life easier, one shareable tip at a time.