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Niagara’s First Snow Fall in Autumn with a Few Hungry Squirrels Enjoying Some French Fries

Yes, it’s still Autumn. Winter actually begins around December 21-22, so Autumn isn’t officially over yet. The leaves haven’t ALL fallen, but the first snow fall for the Niagara region has arrived and I have managed to capture some hungry squirrels snacking on some french fries.

The Vampire Bride: Lisa’s Scary Halloween Costume

Lisa is very artistic, especially when it comes to applying make-up and dressing up for the right occasion. I always love her work and this year, around Halloween time, she impressed us all again with her latest themed costume – The Vampire Bride.

For me, the scarier the better so when I found out she was going to be a Vampire Bride at a local Long Term Care home, I just had to be there to capture a few shots. Some people were actually afraid to look at her. It’s those eyes I tell ya!