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I see it everyday; cars idling in the driveway or parking lots with or without the drivers and I can happily say I’m not one of those drivers since I hate idling my car for a long time. I stopped doing it years ago when I first heard it could speed up the wear and tear on the engine...

"Idling warms only the engine - not the wheel
bearings, steering, suspension,
transmission and tires which all
need to be warmed up also!"

Contrary to popular belief, excessive idling is not an effective way to warm up your vehicle, even in cold weather. The best way to warm it up is to drive it. In fact, with today’s computer-controlled engines, even on cold winter days, usually no more than two to three minutes of idling is enough warm-up time needed for the average vehicle before starting to drive – but make sure that windows are free from snow and properly defrosted before driving away!

Excessively long warm-ups will not only degrade the engine over time, cost you money and waste fuel, but generate unnecessary green house gas emissions!

** Idling warms only the engine – not the wheel bearings, steering, suspension, transmission and tires which all need to be warmed up also!

Resource: Natural Resources Canada

SHAREABLE TIPS are pinnable images I create of random tips I come across daily. 
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Making life easier, one shareable tip at a time.

SHAREABLE Tip #5 – BE A GIVER (Advance Your Career)

You hear it all the time 'It's better to give than receive' and it certainly helps for a truthful soul and a rewarding life but in terms of advancing your career, it doesn't hurt either!

BE A GIVER – Advance Your Career
RESEARCH SHOWS that it pays to give in the long term. In his book Give and Take, Adam Grant points out that most people are either takers, matchers or givers.

Takers, as the name implies, look to get as much as possible for themselves. Matchers want everything to be even. But givers are those who help others without expecting anything in return.

It turns out that givers usually end up being the most successful – that is, if they don’t end up burned out from being exploited. Why? According to Grant, givers:

– build deep and broad relationships;

– have greater motivation because helping people gives meaning and purpose to their lives; and

– develop a greater variety of skills and knowledge because by helping others, they often do new tasks and learn from them!

-‘Guide’, The CLAC Magazine | September 2014 Edition, P. 54

SHAREABLE TIPS are pinnable images I create of random tips I come across daily. 
So go ahead. Share it!

Making life easier, one shareable tip at a time.

WIRT: A Canadian Model With VITILIGO Is Changing the Face of Fashion

Today I came across a few articles online about a Canadian model who has Vitiligo – the skin disease that probably the late Michael Jackson suffered from.

Vitiligo is a chronic skin disease where portions of the skin have white patches due to skin pigment loss, sort of like when someone suffers from 3-degree burns, but more pronounced. It occurs when skin pigment cells die or are unable to function. The cause is unknown but few theories range from autoimmunity, genetics to viral causes. There is no cure.

Canadian-born model, Winnie Harlow (real name Chantelle Young-Brown) from Etobicoke, Ontario, has this disease but has not let it hold her back in life. She was a former “America’s Next Top Model” contestant and although she did not win, her attitude was right on track even then as she told The New York Post in a 2014 article:

“[There was] an uproar on social media. I said, ‘Calm down. It’s just a show — and a reality show at that.’ I was cracking up.”

SHAREABLE Tip #4 – PRESERVE YOUR HERBS (To Save Time and Calories!)

You’re not only saving time with this tip but calories! I’d say it’s a win-win situation! 


Always have fresh, antioxidant-rich herbs on hand by freezing them into cubes!

When you get home from buying your herbs, clean and chop them.
Freeze pinches of each with water or heart-healthy olive oil into ice cube trays.
Use cubes to add instant flavour to soups, sauces or stir-fries!

Chatelaine Magazine - "How to Save Time & Calories" | May 2014 Edition, P. 40

SHAREABLE TIPS are pinnable images I create of random tips I come across daily. 
So go ahead. Share it!

Making life easier, one shareable tip at a time.

DID YOU KNOW... A BLIZZARD Isn't Called A Blizzard Until It Has Met The
4-4-4 Rule?

“Holy smokes! It’s a blizzard out there!” And most times our meanings are sincere, but our misuse of the word ‘blizzard’ are probably more often than not. Here in Canada, in order for a blizzard to be truly called a blizzard, certain criteria must be met:
Winds must be sustained at 40 km/h or more for at least 4 hours combining with falling or blowing snow to cause visibilities to be reduced to 400 m or less. Hence the 4-4-4 rule. However, there is an exception: areas north of the treeline line in Canada have to have the same conditions but it must last at least six hours to be deemed a blizzard.

Source: theweathernetwork

Our definition of a blizzard differs from that of our neighbours to the South.
In the U.S., to be a blizzard, a snow storm must have sustained winds or frequent gusts that are greater than or equal to 56 km/h (35 mph) with blowing or drifting snow which reduces visibility to 400 m or 0.25 mile or less and must last for a prolonged period of time—typically three hours or more.

The deadliest blizzard in recorded history?

It was the 1972 Iran Blizzard, which caused approximately 4,000 deaths. It dropped as much as 26 feet (7.9 m) of snow – that’s like a two and half story building worth of snowfall, and completely covered 200 villages. After a snowfall lasting nearly a week, an area the size of Wisconsin was entirely buried in snow.

According to Associated Press reports, some rescue workers who’d been dropped on a snow drift burying a village called Sheklab dug for two days straight, burrowing through 8 feet of snow, only to find 18 frozen bodies and no one—not one single person in a population of 100—still alive.

The second deadliest blizzard on record tore through Afghanistan in 2008, bringing -30 degree temperatures and killing an estimated 926 people.

Source(s): theweathernetwork | wikipedia | weirdfm


Try some barley for your belly, baby!

Enjoy a delicious barley side dish instead of white rice (or mix it in with your white rice), and you’ll be well on your way to shedding dangerous belly fat according to both a Japanese study and a study in the ‘American Journal of Clinical Nutrition’.

You can thank the soluble fiber, beta-glucan, found in barley, and its ability to boost the body’s fat metabolism for that!

Resources: rd.com and various magazines

SHAREABLE TIPS are pinnable images I create of random tips I come across daily. 
So go ahead. Share it!

Making life easier, one shareable tip at a time.