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Recalling a Few WEIRD, Ontario-related News Stories From 2016...

Do you recall any of these odd news stories from Ontario in 2016? 
Every year has them and 2016 was no exception.

We'd have to say the weirdest one that stood out for us was the Creepy Clown craze that began back in October. It started out in the U.S. but it also affected us here in Niagara and throughout Canada and even in Europe. They were so creepy that some were given a warning - or even arrested, for scaring the wits out of people. With that in mind, we'll start off our list of weird Ontario news stories from 2016 involving some unhappy clowns...

1. London, ON
They were creepy yet colourful and they were everywhere but some less-creepier clowns were left offended when they saw a sign banning them from entering this store - or so they thought...

POpULAR NeW Year RESOLUTIONS We Break, + Top 10 Resolutions for 2016

Resolution: a firm decision to do or not to do something.
Could we cram anymore on the cute illustrated card?! Let's face it, there are tons of resolutions we make every year but fail to keep. But the point is, we try!

From getting organized, reading more to volunteering or learning something new, the New Year is definitely the time most of use to start something anew. The top resolutions we often break vary according to who you ask but the most popular ones are compiled and illustrated below.
Plus check out the top 10 resolutions from 2016!

The Most Popular Baby Name in Ontario is... OLIVIA! (Infographic + Full List)

Olivia again? Yup! According to Service Ontario, Olivia was the most popular baby name in Ontario in 2015 - and five years in a row!

For boys, it was Liam that took top spot. 

Brand new names added to the list this year includes Tenley, Riaan and Eason.

It also seems like old is becoming new again with such names as Hazel, Everett, and Theodore slowly on the rise.
Ontario's most popular baby names are slowly changing, with new names rising up the list. Charlotte and Henry are the fastest-rising baby names, with Henry rising 83 times and Charlotte 105 times their previous popularity.

VIDEO: Wiper blades up before a winter storm - good idea or bad? (+ Poll)

We'd say it's a good idea but let's see what the folks over at The Weather Network have to say! Plus check out a few other tips they give...

Video snapshot

Should you be putting your wipers up during snow? Why do people put wipers up before a winter storm? A few ways you can stormproof your wiper blades this winter season.
