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Weird Charity Sweeping Across Niagara: The 24 Hour Challenge (The Canadian Way)…

There seems to be a new charity event of a weird kind going through the Niagara Region. The 24 Hour Challenge (The Canadian Way). And like any charity event, it’s for a great cause:

Matthew Risi has worsening chronic Lyme disease symptoms and needs your help. His mother started a fundraising even in the effort of raising money to fund treatment at the Sponaugle Wellness Institute in Florida.  They’ve raised almost $18,000.0o so far.  To help them out in their cause, visit the website here.

So how exactly does this 24 hour challenge work? According to their Youtube site:

The 24 hour challenge is just that – once nominated, you have 24 hours to upload a video of you doing something outlandish in your gitch(just underwear, no socks,no shoes, nothing), outside in the sub-zero cold. After your stunt, you must immediately thank whoever nominated you for the nomination, nominate 3 people and tell them they have 24 hours to complete the challenge. Lastly, you must chug a beer. Have Fun with it. We do not condone Dangerous Behaviour!

They have great ones on their Facebook page but check out some of these videos I was able to find on Youtube of these crazy canucks helping out a great cause!

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