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Sunday, 1 November 2015

Halloween 2015... in Photos

So how was YOUR Halloween Day? We can't remember ours. Just kiddin'! 

We managed to capture a few photos (and even a video of a neighbour's dog who didn't seem too keen on wearing his Yoda costume), of the celebrated day.

This year we were actually off (from work) for Halloween, the first time, oh in about 8 years or so, so needless to say we were excited. We went out at the last minute to purchase 'treats' and were fearful it wasn't enough...


But in the end, thank goodness, it was more than enough! We also managed to capture a few trick-or-treaters: Aren't they adorable?!

Batman and Superman sisters! Love it!

This neighbour was handing out the treats. Nice mask!

 Cute... and scary! Hello trick 'r treaters!

So scary... yet so beautiful!

"Trick or Treat!"



Here's hoping you all had a great Halloween! Thanks for viewing!

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