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Thursday, 23 February 2017

The 100-cup 'Roll Up The Rim' Challenge

YouTubers are purchasing Tim Hortons coffee cups in a 100-cup 'Roll Up The Rim' Challenge called the '100 Cups of Coffee', to really test the odds of winning (and probably hoping to win something big) - and it ain't cheap.  Some are said to be paying anywhere from $160 to $200 on empty coffee cups, depending on the cup size they order.

The inspiration came from another more popular YouTuber, “Furious Pete,” (Pete Czerwinski), who has been credited with coming up with the 100-cup idea. He posted a video of the challenge on Feb. 11.
“I’ve been thinking about doing it for years now,” Czerwinski told CTVNews.ca in a telephone interview on Wednesday from his home in Mississauga, Ont. “In my university days I remember getting Timmies like every single day while I was studying and I would never win. So I was just like ‘I need to win’.”

However, another YouTuber with the handle “ItsYeBoi” posted what appeared to be the first 100-cups video on Feb. 8:

Either way, it seems more and more are getting in on the challenge and after watching more than our fair share of videos, there's one thing we've noticed so far - nobody's won anything big - but they all have won lots of coffee and donuts! Nevertheless, the videos are entertaining to watch.

According to the official rules of the Roll Up the Rim contest, the approximate odds for winning the coffee and food prizes are one in six, which means the YouTubers have been proving that claim with their results.


100 CUPS OF COFFEE! Roll Up The Rim To Win! Lottery Jackpot Challenge
YouTuber Savannah took her rent money and travelled to Tim Hortons and purchased a glorious 100 Roll Up the Rim cups for a personal challenge. Along with a friend, the duo rolled and bit their way through the small cups — which costs a total of $143 plus tax for a grand total of $161.50.

You can check out the video below but the tag team rounded out with 16 wins (actually beating the odds) and scored 4 donuts, 1 potato wedges, and 11 coffees. - insidetimmies

TIM HORTON'S RRROLL UP THE RIM TO WIN! We went and got 100 roll up the rim cups from Tim Horton's to see if we could win any of the cool prizes! Tim Horton's, if you don't know, is a Canadian coffee chain that annually offers roll up the rim to win! 

Source: ctvnews

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